Summer break is approaching for students and staff and it is a great time to reflect on your goals for the year and make some adjustments to finish the final 7 months strong.
Financial Wellness
By the end of 2013, we would like to pay off over 20% of the current outstanding debt on our house. To do this Anna and I will continue to work together with our finances find more opportunities to earn and save more money. We have also considered looking at selling our house, since we probably have a larger house then we really need.
UPDATE: Anna and I are still on pace to surpass this goal in 2013. We updated our financial records and made some progressions and are on pace to be able to be complete debt free by July 2016. l I believe we will continue to work with gazelle intensity to get out of debt even earlier.Occupational Wellness
One of my goals this year is to have portfolios prepared for every one of my students showing their specific progress based on the Humanities IB-MYP Objectives for 6th grade. In order to do this, I will continue to stay organized and make sure to be given specific and meaningful feedback on all major assessments throughout the year.
UPDATE: I have completed this goal. Students will get to take their artifacts home next week. It has been a great school year. I am looking forward to a summer full of activities to rejuvenate and prepare for another challenge next year.Physical Wellness
I have many physical wellness goals this year.One of my goals is to complete the entire week of RAGBRAI in July.By the end of 2013 I would like to be back at my pre-broken foot weight.
Environmental WellnessUPDATE: I am cleared for physical activity that doesn't involve kickboxing or constant jumping. I am adding many physical activities back into my schedule and will work on getting back into shape. I will be participating in RAGBRAI in July, but due to a training/conference for the NEA position I was recently elected to I will have to leave 2 days early. I have updated my 2013 goal to get back to my pre-broken foot weight. This will mean I need to loose another 29+ pounds between now and December 31st. One of the ways I am doing this in June is being part of an fitness challenge accountability group. Come join me!
One of my goals in 2013 is for William to complete the "Leave No Trace" requirements for cub scouts to learn the importance of taking care of our environment. We will work with William to learn to be intentional with doing things outdoors and indoors to help protect our planet.
UPDATE: William only has to do a presentation with a poster to his pack to complete the requirements. The pack did not have a pack meeting in May, so I am trying to organize a time that with his den/pack leaders when he can complete this component of his achievement. Hopefully William will be able to do this in June.Intellectual Wellness
My goal for 2013 is to read at least 100. As Charlie Jones said, "Five years from today, you will be the same person that you are today, except for the books you read and the people you meet." I want to read some good books, so that I can be a better person five years from now.
UPDATE: I have currently read 39 books in 2013 and am working on several other ones. May was a very busy month with not much time to pick up a book and read, due to this for the first time all year I am behind the pace I need to maintain to reach 100 books.
Emotional Wellness
I will continue to blog about my throughs and feelings at least once a week throughout 2013. I will also post additional content on my blog's facebook page.
A friend shared a great idea on facebook that our family has decided to put into action in 2013. We will be keeping a "Good News Jar" to write notes of all the good things happening this year to open up and read on December 31st, 2013.
UPDATE: Summer is going to be busy and I will be focusing on being thankful and writing those comments both in our jar, through social media and here on my blog when the time allows.
Spiritual Wellness
After finishing reading the Bible again in 2012, I plan on starting over in 2013. In addition to reading the Bible, I will be using Tony Dungy's The One Year Uncommon Life Daily Challenge for my personal quiet time in 2013. Another spiritual wellness goal of mine for 2013 is to begin weekly devotionals as a family at least 5 days a week
using Bruce Wilkinson's Family Walk.
UPDATE: Anna and I are doing a couple new devotionals as a couple. We will be completing our small group series on marriage on June 16th with our small group as well.
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