Sunday, February 24, 2013

God Loves You!

The third session of the Christian Atheist series was on "when you believe in God but aren't sure He loves you".  Pastor Craig says that there are two questions that Christian Atheists ask:
  1. Why would God love someone as bad as me? (Job 42:5-6)
  2. How could God love someone so insignificant? (Exodus 3:11 
As Christians we must remember that Love is not just what God does, Love is who God is.  God's love covers our sins and makes us significant.

One problem that I have experienced in my own life is trying to earn God's love by doing the right things.  When we learn to receive God's love and stop trying to earn it, it totally changes the way we live.

Several scripture references throughout the Bible tell us about God's love.  God's word describes it as unconditional, instructive, merciful, enduring, and inseparable.  These biblical truths along with other aspects of my spiritual life help me deeply feel loved and forgiven by God.  One of the ways I keep recharged is by listening to Christian music.  Many times the radio or my iPod play songs that touch my heart unexpectedly.  Here is a song that helps me remember that God never gives up on me even when I God's love for granted. 

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