Friday, November 16, 2012

My goals for the rest of 2012

My goals for the rest of 2012

Social Wellness focuses on how you choose to define and connect with your community and the people around you.
By the end of 2012 I will participate with other people in acts of service to help others in my community and to connect with family or friends.  
Financial Wellness is your relationship with money and skills in managing resources, as well as your ability to make good consumer choices and seek out appropriate financial opportunities.
I will begin teaching my second Financial Peace University class to a small group of people in my home in December.  I will also share resources I have with other friends. 
Occupational Wellness is the work you choose to do and how you feel it contributes to your community and fulfills you.
I will give every student a personalized comment on their report card to give them meaningful feedback about how they are doing in my class instead of just a letter grade at the end of term 2. 
Physical Wellness refers to the role that you take in maintaining your body for strength, vitality and energy.
I will finish the last two races I am signed up for in 2012 (the Living History Farms Race on November 17th and the Jingle Jog on December 15th).  I will also make it to Kosama at least 20 times before the end of 2012. 
Environmental Wellness reflects the impact you have on the planet and the impact the planet has on you.
I will shutdown my computer every night.  This will help me reduce the amount of wasted energy I use and maybe help me not go straight to the computer in the mornings.
Intellectual Wellness means feeling stimulated and engaged with learning and staying open to new ideas and perspectives.
I will read at least 4 more books by the end of 2012.  I have currently read 66 books this year.  I will attempt for at least one book on each of the following topics; Christianity  Fatherhood, Being a Husband, and Finances. 
Emotional Wellness are the actions you take in response to your feelings, being at peace with who you are, and the tools you need to weather life's ups and downs.
I will continue to strive to meet the 21 day challenge.  My goal is to complete the complant free challenge by the end of 2012. 
Spiritual Wellness refers to your understanding of your place and purpose, how you make meaning of what happens to you, and what your mind goes to for comfort or relief.
One of my goals is to complete my reading of the BIble in 2012.  I also hope to continue the habit of having a daily quiet time with the Lord now that our 40 Days in the Word study has ended. 

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